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COCA provides presentations on two important personal safety topics, Child Abuse and Bullying, for Kindergarten - 8th grade classes. Parents, feel free to contact your child’s school to determine which curriculum your child will be receiving, and look below for answers to some of our frequently asked questions. If you are looking for curriculum details more specific to your child’s grade level, please contact COCA Program Coordinator, Megan Stagge, at Megan.Stagge@talberthouse.org.

Can you tell me more about COCA’s Child Abuse presentation?

In younger grades (K-2), we discuss Child Abuse in terms of Safe vs. Unsafe Touches and the differences between them. Students are taught that their body belongs to them, and no one should ever touch them in a way that makes them feel unsafe or uncomfortable. COCA Educators go over who the children would tell if they were to receive an unsafe touch.


In older grades (3 & up), COCA Educators identify the four types of Child Abuse – Physical, Verbal/Emotional, Sexual, and Neglect. All grade levels are taught the four important Safety Rules – Say No, Get Away, Tell Someone, and Keep Telling!

How does COCA explain sexual abuse to younger children?

We know this can be a sensitive topic and as such our Educators address it in a safe and age-appropriate way during their presentations, delivering the information depending on the developmental stage of the class. For example, with younger grades, COCA Educators say:


“Who is in charge of your body? You are! Everyone has private parts, which are the parts of our bodies that are covered by a bathing suit. No one should ever look at or touch the private parts of your body unless they are trying to keep you safe or healthy.”


Our Educators reinforce that no one should touch or look at the private parts of anyone’s body unless they have a good reason and that it is important to tell a trusted adult if this were to ever happen.

What can I do to reinforce this information at home?

Talk to your child about the various types of child abuse and ask if they have questions about what they learned from COCA. Talk about who they could tell if they were ever experiencing abuse, and reinforce that it is never their fault if it happens to them.

How can I be more informed about child abuse and prevention?

How to contact your local Children’s Services Department

To report child abuse, family violence, or other concerns of child maltreatment, contact your county’s Children’s Services department:

  • Hamilton County: (513) 241-KIDS (5437)
  • Butler County: (513) 887-4055
  • Clermont County: (513) 732-7173
  • Montgomery County: (937) 224-5437
  • Warren County: (513) 695-1546
  • Northern Kentucky: Boone, Campbell, & Kenton Counties – (859) 292-6550

Can you tell me more about COCA’s Bullying presentation?

In younger grades (K-2), children and COCA Educators discuss what it means to be a kind friend. Discussions and activities are focused around what students can do if they witness someone being mean, how they can help a classmate, and what they can do if someone is mean to them. 

In older grades (3 & up), COCA Educators discuss the difference between being rude and bullying. Students are taught the five types of bullying – Physical, Verbal, Social, Sexual, and Cyberbullying – and how to Recognize, Refuse, and Report it when it happens. Our Educators discuss internet safety and reinforce that nothing posted on the internet is anonymous, information can be traced back to users, and personal information should not be shared online.

What can I do to reinforce this information at home?

Helpful strategies to address and prevent bullying include:

  • Talking to your child about bullying and how important it is to tell an adult if it’s happening to them or anyone they know.
  • Establishing regular communication with your child. Ask discussion-based questions like, “What is lunch like at school?” or “What is one bad thing and one good thing that happened today?”
  • Keeping yourself educated on the apps, websites, and games your child uses. Monitor screen time and discuss how to be safe on the internet/social media. Engage in conversations about your child’s online activity.
  • Modeling appropriate problem-solving skills, emotional regulation, and tolerance for other people’s differences.
  • Recognizing that your child may not want to talk to a parent or caregiver about their social life. Support positive adult relationships with older siblings, cousins, an uncle, or a best friend’s mom for example.
  • Diversifying your child’s social circle. Enroll them in activities that provide friendships outside of their classmates or school peers.

What materials are used during classroom presentations?

Aside from Kindergarten, where only posters and books are used, all grade levels watch short videos where child actors discuss various hypothetical bullying and/or child abuse scenarios and how they got help. COCA Educators are available afterward to answer any questions the children may have about what they learned. Posters are also used at all grade levels to reinforce the curriculum.

How can I be more informed about bullying and prevention?

For more information about bullying, visit the following websites: